Candidly Speaking: US and China Patent Examiners Compare and Contrast Roles

Dykema Drives Auto Webinars

9.29.22 — 9.29.22 1:00 PM — 2:00 PM

Join Dykema attorneys and former US and China patent examiners Thomas Moga, Mike Gzybowski, and Ruiwei Wu for a lively discussion comparing and contrasting their respective roles, including topics like response strategies, prior art studies and interview opportunities. 

This webinar will also explore little-discussed internal pressures facing examiners, such as time restrictions, product requirements, disposals and advancement goals within the national offices.

September 29, 2022
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT

Speakers: Thomas T. Moga, Member, Bloomfield Hills; Michael S. Gzybowski, Senior Counsel, Ann Arbor; Ruiwei Wu, Intellectual Property Assistance, Bloomfield Hills

CLE accreditation is anticipated for California, Illinois and Texas. We provide Uniform Certificates of Attendance and jurisdiction-specific information for those licensed in other jurisdictions. Please contact Sarah Katz at if you have any questions. 

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